Saturday, September 28, 2013

A bounce backwards

DAY 57
Weigh in

Well, I've been kinda waiting for this to happen. A little bounce backwards. Only by half a pound so I'm not terribly upset. I was bummed to see 160.2 and not 158.8 which is where I was last weekend. I was telling my wife this morning though that while I was a little bummed I'm not freaking out about it. This is about "Long-Haul" living so this week I become more focused. I need to shake up the routine a bit and really watch my eating although it's not like I totally lost control over the week. I also have to remember that I am gaining muscle and that could account for the half a pound.

Look, here's the other thing - I've been at this now for 10 weeks. I'm loosing weight, feeling better, my head is clear, I'm more focused than I have ever been and I'm building muscle and I'm 43 years old (which isn't really that old but things do change once you cross the 40 line). Time does feel like it's gone from 45 miles an hour to 80 miles an hour and 50 feels like it's creeping up fast. I'm doing all this though by carving out time to go to the gym, run, exercise and eat better while at the same time enjoying things like Ice Cream, "good beer" and other things that I enjoy. It can be done. You do not have to give up "everything" that you enjoy. Heck, sometimes I don't go to the gym if I don't feel like it or if I'm just feeling whipped. I just look for another way to get some exercise in like raking the leaves, taking the dog on a little extra long walk. I throw in push-ups or sit-ups during the day. The short term goal is to lose weight. The long term goal is live a healthy lifestyle and stick around for the "long-term".

Thought for the day: I'm going to enjoy this beautiful day that Lord has made and continue the "Long-Haul".

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