1 hour long walk - Super awesome weather this morning. Sasha had a spring in her step due to the coolness of the air. So did I.
4 mile run at lunch today
I had a few minutes so I thought I'd post this:
Alright, DAY 5 is here (and it's Friday thank sweet Mary)! It's been a whole 5 days of working this "long-haul" out. Last night after I posted the last blog a friend on FB commented about my "Diet" on Weight Watchers but there was a misconception about what I was doing. When I think on it I've never actually tried any other diet plan. WW is the only one that has really made the most sense. I considered the heavy protein diet (can't remember the name) but honestly I "know" how backed up I get if all I've eaten is protein. Not comfortable. Then there is medi-weight loss thing but sheesh that's expensive. There is heavy carb thing I think....same thing, backed up. Not happening. Here's why I like Weight Watchers, it's normal. I'm an average bro. I eat normal stuff. WW is essentially counting your calories (sort of). You get a specific number of points based on your weight, height, etc...Then for every thing you eat you work some math by adding up dietary fiber, fat and calories and you arrive at a point per serving. Obviously the goal is to stay within your points. Now, they have changed it up a bit a few times based on the fact that folks were not eating certain veggies and not enough fruit but the idea is the same. That said, I've been working off the "old school" plan and it works fine (I've been borrowing it....for a really long time) which also includes extra points if you're working out. It works for me because the points control the portions. If I'm not on WW I'm telling ya I can put down some serious amounts of food. Back when I was single my fridge consisted of frozen foods, tons of pasta and Guinness. Pasta & Guinness!! I got HUGE and at the time I had taken my first "office" job working in an awful call center where I was chained to a desk and a head set. 8 hours a day I didn't move. Since then I've gone up and down but at my biggest I was 180 and hit 185 at one point. Oh man, I can not tell you the problems I was having...back issues, constant heartburn, chest pain (not a heart attack) and I actually started having trouble swallowing at one point because I ate so fast I wasn't chewing my food enough. Disgusting!
Now, I eat smaller portions and I eat slowly. WW helps me do that. So, each day based on my "size" I get 26 points and as I loose weight that number will go down. I receive bonus points for exercise which is good because WW realizes that if your working out you do need to eat more numbers. That said, somehow they have figured it out that even by adding in extra points you're still loosing weight (why does my cursor keep jumping to the top of the page if I pause? it's driving me nuts as I write this). Here's how I balance my day...I eat a big breakfast of 8-9 points which means yogurt, fruit and 3/4 cup of cereal, thin bagels with PB2 (see the link to the top right). Breakfast is the most important meal. I spread breakfast out between 8am and 10am. It's mind over stomach...You basically need time to give your brain and stomach time to chat it up.Two chemicals; one called cholecystokinin (CCK) and another hormone called leptin (which is produced by oddly enough...fat cells) get together and tell the brain "Hey, put down the stinking fork we're all done in here!" (I hear Scottie from Star Trek do you?). Lunch is small...5-6 points (basically lean turkey meat on thin whole wheat bread) and some yogurt again. So, by the time the dinner bell is rung I have 10 or more points to chow down on and maybe a few left over for some skim milk and Choc. Delight (Mmmmm).
So, kinda boring but that's what I'm doing. Would love to hear what you've tried that's been successful.
Yesterday for dinner I grilled chicken and my wife made some Broccoli and some veggies with some kind of awesome flava on it. Total points for dinner 9 points and 6 points left over for a snack.
Dinner (notice the garden)
As an example: This past Tuesday's points:
helpful to see your point chart