Saturday, August 3, 2013



Weigh in
  • Last Saturday, July 27, 2013 - Weight 167 lbs
  • Today, Saturday, August 3, 2013 164 lbs

WHOA!!!! I was not expecting to lose 3lbs in a week. That is a huge drop in poundage for me. I haven't done that in a really, really long time. I'm sort of in shock. That was not expected. I've been doing the WW thing for a long time but the past year has been admittedly inconsistent and a lazy attempt. It's amazing what happens when you just man up and commit to the Long-Haul. It was really hard not to grab a beer and a few more Oreo cookies, sit back, chill and listen to the band play last night but I kept telling myself it's the long-haul. It is a long-haul. It's like the long-haul trucker who has to make the next delivery and has to drive all night to make it on time. It's hard. You wanna stop, grab some shut eye for just a minute but you know if you do, that short minute could make all the difference. This is not a "diet" blog. This is about that long-haul lifestyle change.

Week 1 completed. On to week 2

I am super happy about this loss but I need to remember that generally speaking most people will drop a large number of pounds that first week.  Doing a little bit of research reveals that during the first week you're essentially shocking your body out of a routine that it's been stuck in for a long time. It was used to the late night snacks, a drink here and there, over eating, etc...this is why weight lifters, runners, etc...all change up their routine often. They have to kinda shock it out of it's rut. It's funny how your body will get into a routine and want to stay there which is why people get frustrated the 2nd and 3rd week of a any weight loss plan or routine. There's is also the water factor. When you work out, the nutrients are metabolised and H2O is released. The closet space in your belly that stores the fat supplies a little of the energy, but at first a good stack of it comes from protein and the limited stores of carbs within the cells.

Here's a great article from Menshealth How much weight can you loose in a week?

Also, a few things other than running, walking and eating right that I believe have helped:
  1. This Blog - it's kept me focused. I mean 3 people in Russia evidently hanging on every word and someone in Germany is as well so I can't let my peeps on the other side of the pond down. No really, this is keeping me focused which was the point and it's working.
  2. Sleeping - I've been going to bed at a regular time (exercising as much as I have has definitely made me sleepy)
  3. Water - definitely gotten back to drinking a lot of water. It makes me feel full and obviously it's good for you.
  4. Most importantly - My wife. She's been so encouraging and has been supportive and excited for me. She slapped me a big "high-five" this morning after I got off the scale and then a kiss. It's important if you start the long-haul that you get people/friends/community, your wife or hubby to get behind you. You will need that encouragement and that swift kick in the ass from time to time as well. They can ask you how you're doing keep you accountable (or you can start a blog too.)

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