Friday, August 30, 2013

DAY 31
3 mile run
45 min. dog walk this morning (it wasn't so muggy this morning)

I know, I know, I know. This is the second (or third) post that I've missed. To be honest I'm beginning to feel like I'm running out of things to say. Yesterday I just didn't have anything to say. The blog is a journal (of sorts), but seriously, how many times can I write about what I ate last night or my workout, etc...

So, today was another busy day. I had an appointment which meant no lunch time workout or run. I got a run in at the end of the day but running or working out at the end of the day is so hard. I'm usually mentally spent and I feel like I'm still running on fumes from my time in Chicago earlier in the week. Ahhhhhhh which leads to what I've decided to write about today.

Sleep, we all do it. Some of us get a lot of it and some of us just don't get enough. That said, did you know that sleep loss can actually add to your weight gain? I know, that's what I said too. How is that possible? You're not doing anything except breathing, laying there like a big bump on an overturned log or you're snuggled up in your snuggie. The sleep loss/weight gain relationship has been studied for a long time. A few things have been noted: "Both adults and children are more likely to be overweight and obese the less they sleep at night. Scientists have also found that when people are allowed to sleep eight hours one night and then half that amount on another, they ended up eating more on the days when they’ve had less sleep. Another study showed that losing just a few hours of sleep a few nights in a row caused people to pack on an average of about two pounds." Weight Loss & Sleep Read Here

The research went on to show that subjects who were "walking dead" in the morning (having been kept up all night) evidently preferred food choices that were super high in calories like desserts, chocolate and potato chips. The sleepier they felt, the more they wanted the calorie-rich foods. Interesting, huh? I'm not a scientist, clinician or workout guru, but I personally can testify that when I don't sleep I am definitely more hungry the next morning. I generally feel like I could eat a horse.

Sleep has been definitely been lacking this week and I do have a tendency to stay up late during the week. I need to make sleep a part of my routine (although at this very moment it's close to 11pm but I will sleep in a little tomorrow).

Ok - Blog 31 done:

Night, Night Monkey

Quote for the day: "The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep." W.C. Fields

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